Monday, February 27, 2012

Love of the farm and a camera

This photograph was taken after my dad came in from the field. He was in the process of emptying the drill, so I took advantage of what I had. While editing this photograph my eye was caught with the color changes I had made to bring out the rich color or the tractor. I feel like I learn something every time I use photoshop and with playing around a little bit with the effects, this is my final product that I'm pleased to present you.
I felt like a kid again after I looked at this picture on my camera. I was just playing with my camera settings and glanced at it noticing my imagination taking over and relating it to an image. I first saw a bird eating something and then thought of a dragon with fire. Think what you like and use your imagination to its fullest when looking at this one. 

My favorite of them all. This picture reminds me of my parents hard work and dedication that they have put in year after year on the farm. <3 From hearing them wake up in the mornings and going out to feed everything to seeing them in the evenings doing the same thing...the dedication is seen. Growing up it was always fun (sometimes) when helping with the chores. I want this picture to show the hard work that someone puts in during the day on a farm. Feel like you are in those boots, relaxing after a hard days work, watching the sun go down.

I'm not truly a fan of this photograph, but it still catches my attention and keeps my eye. As a friend of mine commented on this on facebook, she made me think about it more. It kept her mind wondering if the pitch fork was laying down or upright. As for this answer, i'm going to leave that up to you. Pause on this photo and think about its use. Relate it to the boots. 

The love of a camera and finally spending an evening at home creates this. After spending so much time in the city living at my place close to Friends University, the drive home is so welcoming and reminds me of the beautiful country and farm. As always, when I should be doing my homework, I'm out taking pictures and then having fun editing them. I hadn't got the chance to do this lately and after looking at another photographers website/blog.... I felt inspired. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did taking them. I feel truly blessed with everything that I have. 

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