Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Magazine Design

 This project presented a challenge to me. Having no template besides a few guides of what we had to include in the project, the design was solely my decision. I decided to design and focus my main inside spread on a local business in Wichita; Diamond Archery. I was familiar with the business and new everyone that worked there, so I had some advantage to being able to capture what I wanted. All the pictures included I took myself and interviewed the owner as well. I was hard on myself with trying to decide where to place everything and how things looked, but managed to come up with a layout I liked. I enjoyed taking my own pictures and gathering information for this project. I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like and was determined to capture those pictures and stories to put in the spread.

A Connection

This photography series I wanted to show connections. Everything is connected to something else one way or the other.

A Second Family

I hold this family close and dear to my heart. I consider each one my brother or sister and my second mom. I was asked to take a picture of them for their Christmas cards and wasn't about to turn down the chance. Taking a family picture is like solving a puzzle sometimes because of the placement of the people. You have to figure out what spot would work best for that person. With my little boy Caleb's finger on his chin, I was able to capture the fun in the family and the little mischief in them all.

The Rockers Family

Scheduling a family session in advanced with the upcoming winter season is always a gamble with the weather. This recent family picture I had happen to take in RAW format kind of by accident. The day happened to be 30 degree temperatures and overcast. It was hard to get the boys to act like it wasn't a cold day out, but we accomplished what we could. The photos turned out a little dark and by taking them in RAW I was able to give the picture more fill light and brightness.


This is a picture of a friend of mine, Raeshel. She had asked me to take her senior pictures and I was up for the challenge. At this point I hadn't done very many inside pictures because of the lighting factor. We had gone into the Hyatt and this window caught my attention, so I took the challenge to take a picture and see how it would turn out. We had taken several inside and this one had the great lighting I was hoping to get from the windows and the black and white gave it an elegant feel to it.


On a hunting trip, I became fascinated with the texture and look of my boot and my friends boot. You could see the many miles walked in them looking for dove or walking through the milo field for pheasants. We had sat down on a hill this day waiting for the dove to fly by and I was able to capture this photo of my friends boot with the stock of the gun. I felt like it had created a story of our evening out hunting. Editing it, I wanted to give it a sepia look to give it an old feeling to it and just bring out the texture. 

Spiral Away

As I was walking around outside one day taking pictures for one of my classes, I had an idea to focus on objects that made a circle or circular motion. After looking at my pictures I collected, none fit together and this picture really stood out after I turned it black and white. The depth of field in it gives a great feel to the picture and the contrast brings the picture out more.


This photo is part of a series I did focusing on the different views on a pine tree. This picture is one that stood out to me the most. I really liked how I focused on the bud of the pine cone and the background created this smooth flowing look to where you can't tell that it's from a pine tree.

Substance Abuse

This project was focused towards the abuse of alcohol. With recent events happening in my life I wanted to give others a message and have them receive it and learn from it. Every day someone is hurt by the use of alcohol. I took the main photo out in a local cemetery. I used time exposure to create the lighting effect I was aiming for. 

Lack Of

This was one of my first series that I exhibited. I put together this pieces to show how nature takes its toll on objects not kept up by man. People constantly put off projects on their home and other buildings and things like this happen. Whether the piece has been forgotten or not, it is still built and in use. Upkeep is necessary with objects battling against nature.

A Use

This is a photography series I did based off of wire and its many uses. I live on a farm and we have wire every where that we use. I want the viewer to be able to see how the wire is being used in its environment and its surroundings. A flexible piece of material is turned into many different shapes depending on its use. The age of the wire can also be determined at times depending on how it looks and is used on the fastener. 

Always a Process

Welcome to my blog! As a way of being able to show others more of my work that I've completed or am currently working on, I join you in following me through this process and passing the word along. I am new to this process so please bare with me as I move along.