Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Time Flys!

Well, it's now the middle of August really and wow have the last months flown by! Sorry I haven't kept up with this! I've started as a full-time graphic designer/ photographer for a small paper west of Wichita. It's been a great journey getting to where I am today. I received my diploma finally! I didn't imagine I would be doing what I'm doing now so fast after college! I haven't been able to do much photography....let alone keep up with the pictures I've taken! Work has kept me really busy! Fall is near though and I can't wait to get back out on the sidelines at the football games! I've included a look at some of my favorite ads I've done!

Monday, March 24, 2014


The above ad includes a picture I took. I felt like the picture would fit well with a Wrangler jeans advertisement. Size: 8.5" x 11"
The Kansas ad features another picture I took. Size: 8.5" x 11"

PLEASE NOTE: These ads were not created for the purpose of promoting Wrangler or the state of Kansas, but rather the purpose of learning. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm an Aunt!

It's a boy! Can't believe i'm an aunt!! Little Braxton was born July 7. Here are a few maternity pictures I took for Cady and some pictures I took at her baby shower! Pictures of Braxton will be up soon!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Someone Turned 1

A friend of mine asked me to take her daughters 1 year pictures! She is so adorable and it was so hard to decide which pictures to keep! Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Courtney and John

I LOVE photography!! This was such a fun photo shoot (gradually learning more and more)!! What a great couple to work with. These three are Courtney Lemanske and John Ash with their adorable dog Luna! I work with Courtney and she was wanting some pictures for Christmas so I was totally up for the challenge! We spent a late afternoon/evening at the Great Plains Nature center taking tons of photos! Here are a few of my favorites!! As always enjoy and would love to hear your thoughts!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Making it Official

Dear followers,
I recently asked on Facebook if anyone had a good idea for a photography business name...several have asked and I have decided on Anchor Point Photography. I would like to give full credit to my sister for the idea! The more I think about it, the more I love the name! It connects with photography and having an anchor point in the picture to my passion I've developed for Archery. For those who don't know who or what I do I'll give you a short recap-
I started doing photography in high school and carried it with me to college. I currently attend Friends University majoring in Communications Visual with a minor in Photography. I do photography on the side and specialize in family and senior portraits. I'm always up for a challenge of trying a new session and expanding my portfolio. I don't own a studio because I love having the world as my studio. Some day I do dream of owning a little room with a studio and office in it to do my photography from along with the world. Currently I just rely on word of mouth for customers and i'm always accepting new ones! The work you find on my blog here is what I consider my portfolio. Maybe someday i'll own a website, but for now i'm content with my blog and Facebook. You can find me on Facebook under Abbygail Well and soon under Anchor Point Photography! Step by step it will be there! My Facebook profile currently contains a huge variety of work I've done including some graphic design as well. I would love to hear any feedback you may have or to take your families pictures! For now, it's back to the school books and editing. Keep in touched!
Abbygail :)

Max Wells Family

Don't we all love family pictures!!??!?!? Here are a few of the pictures from Max and Janie Wells family photo session. Loved how some of these turned out and such a great looking family! As always enjoy and if you have any questions or comments please let me know!!!